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Getting Actual Score Closer to BR for June Test?

averym17averym17 Alum Member
in General 24 karma

Hi all. So I recently did my first few PTs after going slowly and diligently through the CC. I went from a 152 diagnostic to a 165 on my last PT. (Would definitely advocate going diligently through CC---I was able to increase my score this much without drilling yet beyond CC and a few full length tests.)

So my main concern here is timing. On my last test that I got a 165 actual, I got a 174 BR. I plan on taking the June test and want to know what my best approach is to getting timing down. On my last few PTs, I have missed 1-2 LR questions per section and the rest I missed from LG and RC. Does it make sense for me to focus on doing timed sections of RC and LG for the next month and a half? Should I keep taking timed full length PTs or just focus on LG and RC?


  • averym17averym17 Alum Member
    24 karma

    Also, if I focus on doing timed sections of LG and RC, should I start at the most recent tests or at the beginning or does it not matter much? (I am wondering because I know that the newer LG have more hybrid type games than older tests.)

  • SarahSpanishSarahSpanish Member
    38 karma

    I can't say with confidence because I'm actually not as far along in my studies as you are, so definitely take with a grain of salt***, but it seems like timing is something that comes with repetition and truly understanding questions to a point where you can recognize similar question structures across sections/tests before you even jump into the actual question.

    So it sounds like doing full tests & full blind review would be really effective for you if you are making the most of every moment you have blind reviewing. Because then you're being exposed over and over to the same structures. I'd be nervous to stop focusing on LR just because of some (really!) good scores on a PT. I think that LR is so foundational for the other sections so it can't hurt to be even stronger on those.

    Question -- how long did it take you to get through of all CC? Did you go in order?

  • averym17averym17 Alum Member
    24 karma

    @SarahSpanish said:
    Question -- how long did it take you to get through of all CC? Did you go in order?

    Thanks for your feedback! I went through the CC completely in order and it took me around 9 months; that being said, it only took me so long because I am a full time student and worked part time as well, so I didn't get to study many hours/week just because I also had to maintain my GPA. When I went through the CC, I did almost all of the problem sets of the LR and most for the LG and I took notes on paper. I would definitely recommend taking notes because I think it helped me a lot with retention and comprehension.

  • SarahSpanishSarahSpanish Member
    38 karma

    @averym17 That is a good point and something I've been meaning to do! Thanks!!

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