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How can we help others during this coronavirus pandemic?

DarklordDarklord Alum Member
in Off-topic 586 karma


So lately we have all seen the bad news online and people losing their jobs. Yet, at the same time, it is best to stay at home to avoid infecting others, ourselves, and our families. I really want to help others during this pandemic, but it is hard to come up with good ideas that can really help others without me leaving the house too much. Does anybody here have any good ideas? Anything goes


  • cat_kimballcat_kimball Core Member
    87 karma

    The first things that come to mind is donating to programs, such as Meals on Wheels or to local food banks; and supporting local businesses. You can probably donate online. One of my favorite coffee shops closed, and they posted on instagram that the best way to help is to buy a gift card which can be used once they open again.

  • 1058 karma

    Do you know any people with underlying conditions or 60+ years of age? Maybe offer to pick up their groceries. Different stores are offering free pick up where you don’t even have to go in the building. Orders can be placed online. They might need some help navigating online tho. Or another option is to search for places that offer grocery delivery and have their groceries delivered. Some places are offering this for free but many older people don’t know about it.

    Maybe call any older people that you know and ask if they need assistance figuring out their technology since we are all dependent on computers and phones at this time. You could try guiding them over the phone to figure out any problems they may be having.

    And I do think too that just calling your family members, relatives, friends, and neighbors and talking to them to let them know that you care means a lot.

    I also think it’s important to be very careful risking exposure especially if you live with parents or family members who are 60+. If you live with people who are vulnerable, I would definitely only seek to help others from a distance.

  • Hopeful9812Hopeful9812 Member
    872 karma

    Totally agree with the above suggestions! Check in on neighbors and see if they need any help with stuff. Towns may have senior citizen centers which may provide individuals with food and supplies so seeing if those centers need any assistance might also be something to consider. Also- food banks and shelters are probably looking for volunteers. Also- I've read online that quite a few college students are offering to babysit children of essential/frontline workers - so that is another option for those who may have a hard time with getting childcare while still having to go to work. But I especially agree with the above suggestion that if you are living with someone with an underlying health condition, then be very careful in what you do so as to not accidentally put them at risk. Good luck!

  • DarklordDarklord Alum Member
    586 karma

    wow thanks for the suggestions everyone!

  • The JudgesThe Judges Free Trial Member
    364 karma

    @Darklord If your not studying at least 20 hours a day now what are you doing STUDY MOREE!!! Nah I'm just kidding check on friends and family as being alone is harder for some folks. Have great day and do not study too much!

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