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Retake PT & keep old score records?

Slow is FastSlow is Fast Alum Member
in General 445 karma

Hi, just wondering if it's possible to re-take a PT on 7sage? Will it keep a record of all the scores for each PT attempt? Thanks!


  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    edited April 2020 5740 karma

    @obloome said:
    Hi, just wondering if it's possible to re-take a PT on 7sage? Will it keep a record of all the scores for each PT attempt? Thanks!

    Hi there,

    Yes, you can retake a PrepTest by deleting the data in the current PrepTest. Sorry, the data from your deleted PrepTest will not be saved only the data from the current PrepTest is saved. To delete the PrepTest data, go to the PrepTests tab ( and select the PrepTest you will like to delete. Next, tap on the delete button on the Digital Tester. See the screenshot below:


    Let us know if you have any further questions!

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