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Doing Worse on BR

seanthelsatseanthelsat Member
edited April 2020 in General 54 karma

Hello 7sagers,

kinda bummed because a couple weeks ago after hitting my highest blind review score (163) my most recent BR score has plummeted to a 157. Looking at the blind review stats there were a handful of questions in the LR section that I changed from correct to incorrect. Any advice on how to correct that going forward, taking the LSAT-Flex in 3 weeks so any advice is welcome.


  • EagerestBeaverEagerestBeaver Alum Member
    703 karma

    Are you certain you want to go to law school this fall/have to take the LSAT now?

    If yes, then take a few days off and continue PTing. If your BR goes back to normal over the next two weeks, it may have been a bad day and one bad data point. Perhaps look over that same test again and really dig in to see where some of the mistakes were. Basically, don't let this wreck your confidence for a test you have to take.

    If no, there is no difference between taking the LSAT now and June, July, or September. So there is no need to worry. That gives you plenty of time, assuming you can handle the maintained studying, to sort this out.

    Curious to know how many PTs you have taken. It is also possible that 163 was actually an outlier.

  • seanthelsatseanthelsat Member
    54 karma

    Curious to know how many PTs you have taken. It is also possible that 163 was actually an outlier.

    I've taken about 6 PTs the first 3 my BR scores were in the low 150s and my most recent 3 were 155 163 157, so looking at it that way yeah that 163 was possibly an outlier. How should I handle an outliers, just take it in stride ant keep PTing?

    A little about me, i'm planning on applying for the upcoming cycle to start law school in 2021. Was signed up to take April and I think the LSAT- Flex is a great opportunity for me given a better testing experience. I was planning on signing up for the July test regardless

    Thanks for the response!

  • 1058 karma

    Your best bet to raising your score in such a short amount of time is fool proofing LGs. I went from -10 to -0 in a matter of a month by following JY’s Fool Proof method. So unless you are scoring perfect in that section then that’s what I would work on the most until your exam.

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