Practice Test 50-69

mayralove0434mayralove0434 Live Member
in General 12 karma

Hello, I recently took the May LSAT-Flex but am considering taking the July LSAT since I feel I can perform better. I have already completed and reviewed Preptest- 74-89. I have never reviewed Preptest 69 and under since I thought completing the most recent ones would benefit more before test day. Is it worth it to start the newer Preptest and then review 80-89 all over again. I score 148-150 at the moment. Is it possible to score a 160 on the LSAT given the time I have left for the July test? Am not currently working much due to COVID19 so I just want to take advantage of my free time to improve my score. I feel I need to work on my speed in LR and improve alot in RC since I get most wrong in that section. I can almost complete the game sections and after working on them constantly I get -5 wrong. Any feedback is welcome. I can really use it since I already reviewed and did the most recent Preptest.

Thank You


  • joeskatzjoeskatz Member
    42 karma

    Yes, these are valuable tests. Whether you can score a 160 all depends on you, but it is of course possible. However, I would recommend you not use up valuable PTs until you review fundamentals in the course curriculum and drill specific sections more.

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