Necessary Assumption Key(Loophole)

olaebodaolaeboda Member

I have been struggling with Necessary Assumptions questions for a while. After rereading Ellen Cassidy's Loophole book I have finally had my eureka moment. In all honesty NA questions after using her methodology are not that hard.

  1. Identify conclusion(Obviously)

  2. Identify Premises(Bear with me)

  3. Attack the argument like you would for a weakening question

  4. Negate your Loophole

If you follow those steps you will begin to see major improvement in your NA questions. I think the reason for this because most tutors reccomend that you just read attentively when doing NA questions, but this course of action enables you to be on the offensive rather the defensive when looking at NA questions.

I have noticed that when it is a question type that is focused on attacking the argument I do great. So, this course action enables me to do what I'm good at.

If you have any questions PM!!!!!


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