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Problem Sets vs Single Question Videos

So I have a question on Problem Set questions, particularly the last two ones. Usually I am on a role and get most to all of the questions right in the sample single questions before the problem sets. Those sample single questions seem to be also numbered at the harder ranges like 10-25 ish. However when it comes ot the problem sets, especially the ones with 5 stars, they seem to be exponentially harder than any of the sample questions before the sets. For an example: in the Necessary Assumption section, I was pretty much able to get most of the questions right in the single questions. Not only that, the questions I got wrong consisted of a minor misreading of the passsage or answer choice. And don't forget that these questions are also in the 10-25 range which I believed would have helped me with the 5 star questions. It turns out that I was wrong. The difficulty in figuring out the correct answer choices even after significant amount of times has been evident. A question 13 from a 5 star question in a problem set seem to be exponentially harder than a question 13 from any of the sample single questions before the problem sets. I have been wondering, where does getting the 5 star questions right rougly place you in the LSAT score ranges compared to 4 star or 3 star?

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