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Question Sets: Getting consistent 2/5 or 3/5 on harder question sets. What should my next steps be?

Nick PerozzoNick Perozzo Alum Member
in General 6 karma

I am sorry if this has been posted a thousand times over - partially I need to get my thoughts onto paper (or screen?), and I feel I need some recommendations from people who have been in the same boat or think that they can help.

I am feeling quite pessimistic on the LR curriculum, but I am unsure the best way to proceed. As I am going through these question sets I get frustrated while reading. The frustration comes from getting confused while reading and getting mentally exhausted. On harder four-star and five-star difficulty questions I typically only get one or two correct of the five - very discouraging.

I have started to go to past questions and review past lessons in order to reflect and understand, but then I retake question sets with the same score as before. For now, I will review past lessons on weekends. But I feel that although I have finished 35% of the core curriculum I have made 0% progress.

Is this typical during the harder questions, even with going back? During the curriculum, is it encouraged to go back to previous parts of the course and re-learn, or should I continue to follow the core curriculum and expect more improvement through PTs?

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