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LG fluctuations

raevco25raevco25 Alum Member
in Logic Games 139 karma

I've been studying for about 6 months to prepare for the June test next week. On my first few PT after the core curriculum, LG was my best section and I was only missing 1-2 per test. Even though I do problem sets on the tough games that I have missed questions on, I now miss between 4-8 per test, which makes me a little nervous only being 5 days out from the real test. Obviously I don't have a ton of time to really foolproof, but does anyone have tips on being more consistent in LG?


  • I Know NothingI Know Nothing Alum Member
    12 karma

    Wow, I'm having a very similar experience. I went from being very confident in my LG performance, to missing -8/-5 per section. Not sure how to explain it. Now it is only after BR that I am scoring -2/-1. I am also taking the June test this week and I've decided my time will be most wisely spent reviewing, foolproofing, and making inferences from all types of games until then. I am hoping that by the end of the week I will have a deep, recently uploaded cache of inferences to fall back on.

  • raevco25raevco25 Alum Member
    139 karma

    @"I Know Nothing" I have come to a very similar conclusion about studying this week! Good to know that there are others in the same boat, and good luck with foolproofing!

  • EagerestBeaverEagerestBeaver Alum Member
    703 karma

    @iknownothing is on to a good strategy here. I just wanted to add don't put too much pressure on yourself. The last week has significance that it is the last week before your LSAT but in the scheme of time, it 1/24th (6 months x 4 weeks) of your study time. You have already done the majority of work to get you to where you are at this moment.

    That does not mean you cannot improve/finely tune your LG skills for the week, but I hope you can be at peace with yourself. That is more likely to get your score where you want it to be in the short term. I wish you the best of luck.

  • raevco25raevco25 Alum Member
    139 karma

    @EagerestBeaver thank you so much for this encouragement! I really appreciate your advice, and you're so right that most of the work has already been done. Thanks for this great perspective, I truly appreciate it!

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Foolproofing/retaking then trying some new sections. I hope this helps. Confident that you'll bring down the number of errors.

  • I Know NothingI Know Nothing Alum Member
    12 karma

    Thanks so much for the wise words and encouragement, @EagerestBeaver and @lsatplaylist!

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