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Study Plan for August Retake 170+

raevco25raevco25 Alum Member
edited July 2020 in General 139 karma

I have just taken the June test and scored a 167 - I plan to take the test in August and my goal is to score 170 or better. If you are in a similar situation or have been in my shoes, what would your study plan look like? How many PTs per week should I shoot for, and how much time should I spend drilling materials/LG etc.? I plan to spend a lot of time foolproofing games as that is the largest variable in my score (on PTs I have been anywhere from -1 to -8) as well as going through the Loophole strategy. Thank you for any advice!!!


  • Chris NguyenChris Nguyen Alum Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    4599 karma

    Congratulations on the score!

    If you can afford to, I would highly recommend getting a tutor. A good tutor can pinpoint your weaknesses and give you solutions to work on them. Sometimes, it's so hard to see what you're supposed to be doing when you're in the thick of things and trying to figure it out yourself. A tutor has an outside perspective and can show you what you're missing. @Sami has been my tutor for a while now and honestly my score would not be where it is right now without her. Highly recommended!

    Additionally, the best thing you can do for yourself is ask yourself "why did I get this question wrong?" and truly dive deep into analyzing why. "because I misread the question" shouldn't cut it for you anymore. Why did you misread the question? Do you have a tendency to think those questions are easy and you need to change your mindset regarding it? Then it might be time to stop thinking those questions are easy and treat them with the respect they deserve. Did the LSAT writers word the question in a way that makes it extremely easy to misread if you weren't being careful and paying attention? The solution might be to write sentences that use the type of wording to be more comfortable with such wording. Do you have a habit of 'checking out' after you think you already have the correct answer choice and just skim through the rest of the answers? The solution then is to be more careful, and read with purpose all the way to answer choice E. The solutions the your problems can only be known if you are truly introspective and curious about why you're missing the questions that you miss.

    I hope this helps!

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