Foolproof Method on Problem Sets/Game Setup Videos

Russ Sob-1Russ Sob-1 Alum Member
in Logic Games 72 karma

I am wondering if people are taking the time to fool proof the problem sets (10x+) and game board setup example questions? I feel like I should be fool proofing wherever possible, but I also recognize the time commitment. Any thoughts?


  • 1234abcd-11234abcd-1 Member
    422 karma

    I think you should for sure take 2-3 days and just foolproof logic games. I think that is the best way to conquer this section. For the most part if you want to score high on the LSAT, fool proofing is recommended.

    591 karma

    I foolproof those games that I couldn't finish within suggested time. And I think it helps. I can make inferences faster because I've seen them and practice them a lot.

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