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84 2 LR problem 11

mister homister ho Core Member
edited July 2020 in Logical Reasoning 19 karma

Unfortunately, i don't understand this weak question at all, or why the answer is C. C seems to link excessive blinking to confidence, which is a factor in an official's ability to conduct well in office, but i don't see how it affects the overall conclusion: any impact of excessive blinking is deleterious to election results. The author doesn't make a clear connection between someone's ability to perform in the office and his ability to perform in the election. i chose A instead, which linked the candidate's debate performance to his election performance. Can someone explain this to me? As a side note, i seem to notice with more recent tests that the earlier LR questions are a lot harder than older tests -- i rarely had wrong answers before problem 12. is there a reason for this increased difficulty in the early questions?

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