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Seeking a tutor/accountability partner!

carrie11carrie11 Core Member
in General 40 karma

Hi there!

I was scheduled to take the July Flex test, but after careful consideration, I decided to move it back to August. I have been studying since beginning of April (gone through the power score books and Khan Academy), however, I just recently discovered 7sage and have only gone through about 15% of the CC. My last 3 PT's I have scored 159. My goal is to consistently score between 161-163.

I am very close to having mastered LG and usually get -1 to -5. RC is usually around -6 to -9 and LR -6 to -9 as well.

I am feeling a bit defeated already with changing the date, but I do believe I can achieve my desired score with 2 more months of solid prep (with a little bit of help!).

Thank you!!


  • CRISPR24CRISPR24 Alum Member
    262 karma

    Hi I have worked with various tutors here and have improved tremendously! PM if you would like recommendation in more details.

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