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Seeking Accountability Partner(s)

Jay TeeJay Tee Alum Member
in Study Groups 298 karma

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a person or 2 to help keep me accountable to my study schedule. I've come to realize that I allow myself to slip up way more than I do when I have someone counting on me to get my stuff done. I've also found that groups with more than a handful of people isn't enough to keep me on track, so I'm looking for up to 3 people max to work with.

I have availability Monday-Friday from 11am-5pm CST. I've got a lot of fresh PTs, so I'm looking for people who are at the beginning of their PT phase to BR sections of LR & RC with 2-3 times per week. I'm aiming for a mid-170s score so I'd prefer to work with anyone who's aiming for a similar score. I'm planning on taking the November test or possibly even the October test if I see enough progress in 3 weeks.

If you're interested, shoot me a DM!


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