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Harm in cancelling score? Harm in retaking and scoring lower?

HotTubberHotTubber Member
in General 17 karma

Is there any harm in cancelling one's score? I'm registered for the July Flex, and am not scoring where i'd like to be... (I previously scored a 172, and am retaking it to bump it up; however, all my PTs of late have been averaging around 172, and i know i'm not where i need to be to make the increase i'd like).

On a related note, is there harm to retaking and scoring lower? I.e., will schools consider lower scores that come in after previously higher score, or will they disregard them in favor of the higher score?

Thank team 🙏


  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    Do you mean cancel before you take it or cancel after you take it? I wouldn't recommend cancelling after you take it unless you know you really messed something up (like not having time to get to a game or passage). Lots of people come away from the test feeling like they didn't do well and end up with a great score.

  • HotTubberHotTubber Member
    17 karma

    hey @noonawoon !
    thanks for the feedack.

    i'm referring to cancelling the score after i taking it.
    given that i'm concerned about the impact of scoring lower than a previous score, if that was in fact an issue, then i would lean towards cancelling the score if i felt i didn't improve (e.g., not finishing all the questions from a game or reading section).

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