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Help needed getting from low 160s to 170s

MerlinspowerMerlinspower Core Member
in General 15 karma

Hi, I am scoring in the low 160s looking to get a 175+. I am currently working full time but am willing to take as long as it takes to get the score I want. However, I would like to get there, if possible, for this admission cycle. I am missing an average of -5 per section with some sections getting -3 sometimes but not consistently low in any one section. But have only taken like 3-4 prep-tests.

Any Advice? Looking for someone who can help me understand how to make the jump. Any study plan advice?



  • RaphaelPRaphaelP Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited July 2020 1121 karma

    It depends in part on what types of mistakes you're making, even if they're spread fairly evenly across sections. The general wisdom is that if your Blind Review score is lower than your target score, it's a sign you need to learn the content more, while if your Blind Review score is higher, the issue is perhaps more about timing. Given your targets, if your BR score isn't 175+, I would revisit the Core Curriculum, buy any supplementary books that you think might be useful, and do some untimed sections. If it is a timing issue, I would just make the emphasis much more on taking sections and tests (but making sure to review them thoroughly). Speaking from personal experience, what got me my initial jump was Core Curriculum, but after that I felt stuck for a little, which is normal. After finishing the Core Curriculum I took infrequent PTs while working on content areas (question type-specific review, read a couple books, untimed sections) until I was consistently BRing 175+ (even while my untimed score stayed flat), and then, only upon reaching that, did I start taking 3 tests a week (and a 2 sections on non-test days). I was able to start hitting near my BR score timed with some consistency about a month later, and felt like the high volume of live tests and sections forced me to quickly learn the optimal timing strategies for me; I think structuring my routine like that really helped!

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