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Strengthen/Weaken questions

sakethsaran1998-1sakethsaran1998-1 Alum Member

Can someone help me with these questions. I can't get myself to agree with the answers.

1.Commentator: The quality of health care is declining. Medical schools have been graduating fewer people than are needed to replace retiring physicians. Furthermore, on average, a physician now spends only 15 minutes with a patient on the patient’s first visit.
Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the commentator’s argument?
(A) The average length of all patient-physician visits is 20 minutes.
(B) More and more people are seeking physicians, thus increasing the number of patients that physicians treat.
(C) Most patients do not like to spend an inordinate amount of time in physicians’ offices.
(D) Five years ago, the average first patient-physician visit lasted 10 minutes.
(E) Most patients visiting a physician are suffering from ailments that are not life threatening.

2.Peterson, the current world record holder in the women’s 100-meter backstroke, has ranked first in the world for seven years. Her performance in recent competitions was disappointing, but during training she unofficially beat her official world record time. So she can be expected to set a new world record in the 100-meter backstroke during the upcoming world competition.
Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
(A) Peterson is widely expected to win the 100-meter backstroke in the next world competition.
(B) Peterson had the flu during a recent competition.
(C) Peterson has also set world records in several
other swimming events.
(D) Peterson is the only active world-class swimmer
in the world to have set a world record in the
100-meter backstroke.
(E) Peterson has in each of the past seven years
swum faster during world competitions than during training for those competitions


  • marco4568marco4568 Core Member
    6 karma

    where'd you got the 1st question from? It's nowhere in the PTs!!!

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