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We know many of you have wanted to try the new Flex format with only three sections without a workaround like making three problem sets or just leaving a section blank. So, we are happy to announce that we have just rolled out a Flex simulator option for every PrepTest (all 95)! If you don't see the new option, try doing a force refresh.
To use it with a PrepTest, check the box labeled "Simulate Flex" next to the PrepTest name in the digital tester. This will skip the second LR section. The scaled scores generated from Flex mode uses the same methodology as our Flex Score Convertor. Because no one outside of LSAC knows how Flex is scored, this is just an educated guess. See the screenshot below:
You can apply the flex option to any PrepTest that is not completed. So you can switch to Flex if you are still doing the test or doing blind review, but not if you already scored your test. If you already entered answers or other data for the second LR section, then the Flex option will erase any data for that section when you score the test.
Please let us know if you encounter any issues.
OMG this is coming! Thank you this is so helpful!
Hello I it says my account does not have access to any PT right now, even though my LSAT Ultimate Plan says I have access to PT 72 right now? Please help!
Thanks! This is a great feature!!
I saw this last night before the official announcement and this a great feature and so easy to use as changing from Flex to 4 section can be done just by clicking the box. I am amazed that you guys made this option work for all 95 tests!! This is well worth the wait, THANK YOU!
I’m currently signed up for the August Flex and was wondering whether it’d be more worthwhile to continue drilling 4 section tests as opposed to 3? What do you guys think?
If you opt for the flex version prior to taking the PT, do you still have access to take and score the omitted section after you complete the test to use for drilling? #help
muchas gracias
lifesaver! thank you so much!!!
Thank you so much!!!
This is awesome!! 7Sage is the best!
Can anyone who has taken the flex speak to the difficulty of the LR section? This will be super helpful but i am wondering if just taking away the second LR section will not be a good representative of how difficult it will be on the real thing. Are they making the one LR section more difficult since there is only one?
This is sooo awesome!! I used Powerscore for over a year, and I've learned more from this site in a few weeks than I did with PS. Thanks for adding this new feature!!
Thank you so much!
I still do all 4. It's extremely helpful with mental stamina
When using the Flex simulator, how does the system decide which LR section to dismiss? And will the one remaining LR comprise of more of an equal spread of LR question types than that of the dismissed section?
You spoil us!
The best LSAT prep course, bar none.
This is so awesome. Thank you!
Sorry about that! We rolled out a fix for this bug a few hours ago. Please let us know if you are still seeing this issue.
The system always skips the second of the two LR sections.
Yup! You can still take the skipped LR section through custom problem sets and your analytics should look like you never took the questions in that section. So it won't mess up your analytics, and the questions won't have the recycle "Taken" icon in your question tables.
Thank you!
I do have what seems to be a bug to report: After I clicked the Flex button on all the PTs I had taken, in my Analytics, the colour for LR and LG has now become the same (both blue). before, it properly showed every section type with a different colour.
Are PTs 95+ available? I’m saving those PTs for a couple of months from now, but I was just wondering since it was mentioned and I don’t see them under my problem set options.
I took the June Flex and wish this 3 section feature was rolled out earlier! I like the ability to truly simulate LSAT Flex test day & LR is much weaker for me when I do 2 v. 1.
Sorry, there are 95 PTs available right now but they only have names going up to number 89. IIRC the remaining six are A, B, C, C2, J07, and F97.
They aren't out yet. I think the latest is 89.
Thanks for letting us know! Fix is live, but you may need to force refresh to pickup the change.
The second section is dismissed.
Thank you, JY!!
I took the July flex- noticed absolutely no difference in difficulty.
This is amazing! Thanks for adapting to LSAT changes
Omg thanks so much!!
great! how can we try it?
Hi there,
To simulate LSAT Flex, check the box labeled "Simulate Flex" next to the PrepTest name in the Digital Tester. This will skip the second LR section. The scaled scores generated from Flex mode uses the same methodology as our Flex Score Convertor. Because no one outside of LSAC knows how Flex is scored, this is just an educated guess. See the screenshot below:

I hope that helped. Let us know if you have any further questions.
HELP: I pressed the simulate flex option on PT 80 after completing the first 3 sections. It says I got a 155 but my raw score was (65 out of 75) is this correct?? Seems very wrong because I never score below a 169 on 4 section PTs (my first time taking a flex)
This sounds very clearly like a 169; I usually get twelve wrong and that's always 167+. Seems like the feature added the second LR section and gave you a zero for it, likely because you simulated Flex after starting. I've pressed the simulate button before launching the first section and have always had reliable results.
If in doubt, 7Sage has a Flex predictor on another part of the website, here: I entered in 10 questions wrong for PrepTest 80 and it returned a 168. This is likely the real score.
Thanks for letting us know about this! We checked and it was definitely scored incorrectly.
We fixed the scoring on PT80 on your account, and I think I know what the problem is. It looks like the problem occurs if someone changes to "Flex" mode then scores the PrepTest less than 20 seconds afterwards. Unfortunately, we haven't figured out a good solution to this yet.
Sorry if it's already been asked, but would be great to get some input from 7sage admins on how you guys selected which section to omit? I'm not expecting sophisticated methodology; not sure one would even be possible. I have found however that the two LR sections on tests aren't always equal in difficulty. I expect the single section on the flex will be of roughly balanced difficulty.
In your data have you guys noticed a higher number of question misses in one LR section of any given test over the other? I'm thinking that if significant differences exist on certain PT's, indicating that to students after they score their tests would be really helpful.
If for example on a certain PT a statistically easier section was the one retained and the difficult one omitted, that would be really critical information to students for gauging/predicting actual test day performance.
Just my two cents; feedback appreciated
Is there any way that can make us to choose which LR can be counted to the test?
Great question!
We ran numbers on a large sample actual student PrepTests. We pretended they did Flex by (A) skipping first LR section or (B) skipping second LR section, applied our Flex Score Convertor, and looked at the average difference in scores.
We found that the spread between the averages for A and B was small. Across the 95 PTs, the biggest spread was a 1.38 (PT 9), and 78 of the 95 PTs had spreads of less than 0.7. For reference, the standard error of the actual LSAT test is 2.6 (
That is why we chose the uniform rule of removing the second LR from each PT for Flex simulation. It keeps things simple, and the difference between A and B are small relative to the standard error of the test itself.
thanks for the super detailed explanation and numbers to back the rationale - super helpful and reassuring. You guys are on it!
Write down all your answers and circle the ones you flagged for BR. Delete the test and re-enter the answers in a fresh test. I do that every time to see my score before I BR lol.
Why not let us compare the standard and Flex scores?
We figured it out! The fix is live so now even if score the test immediately after changing to flex, the results should come out properly. Please let us know if it still isn't working on your side.
According to what LSAC has told us, if you did a standard 4-section test, that is the best predictor of your Flex score. Better than any Flex calculator, ours or otherwise.
If you are curious about what a flex score might have looked like for a PT you took, you can enter the data here for a guesstimate:
LSAC has on their website that they are not weighting the one LR section to make up for the missing LR section and that every question is weighted equally on the LSAT flex. Is this how 7sage’s flex simulator is scoring as well?
Can you confirm that the FLEX scores account for there being three rather than four sections? I have taken three so far, and, from the score conversion info provided, the scores displayed would also fit a four-section test. In other words, I am worried that the scoring feature takes only the number of questions wrong as an input, and thus treats each test as though one LG section were completed at -0.
I did better on one FLEX, so I would be disappointed if the score is inflated! SO hope to be wrong, here.
Hi there,
I tried simulating Flex for PrepTest 88-89 and compared the scores from where I took the PTs in four sections.
By converting the PrepTests to the paper format, I used the "Fill in correct answers" button then entered the same incorrect answers in the three sections for Flex and for the four sections of the same PT. The Flex scores and the four-section scores were different for both PTs on my end.
Do you remember which PrepTests did you take where you got the same scores between the Flex and the four sections?
Thanks for looking into this! What I reported is true of PT69-74. To make the point of my previous question more precise, I would appreciate not only to discovering whether the FLEX and regular scores are different, but understanding the accuracy of a simulated FLEX.
What epistemology backs the simulated FLEX score?
Hi there,
Thank you for providing the additional information. We will investigate the issue on our end and get back to you.