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Retaking... Advice on where to start?

EllegoalsEllegoals Member
edited July 2020 in General 342 karma

Hi all (sorry this is long),

I just got my score back for July and got a 162. Unfortunately, this was below my average of 164-166 and below my record of 169 but I'm just going to get back to it and try again. Now, I'm having a little trouble figuring out where to start. I'm wondering if I should go back through the course, although a bit quicker, to reinforce the basics or if that would be a waste of time and I should start trying to hone in on the sections and question types I need the most improvement on.

If I could guess, I would say that RC probably damaged my test day score the most, I've been able to score as low as a -3 but haven't been able to get that down consistently, and had even seen myself scoring -10's on PT's leading up to the July test. Also, I can imagine I didn't do as well in LR as I would have liked, I was having confidence errors before the test and although I've scored a few -0 to -3's before, my average was more like -4 to -6, mostly losing points on harder questions. I started to get a skipping strategy down and implemented that on test day and for RC, I was focusing on the Trainer's reading for structure methods while writing very short summaries of each paragraph during the read. I do admit my blind review's probably were not up to par, I started to find that I was having so many confidence errors that I was blind reviewing questions I got right and totally skipping those I got wrong, so I started to let blind review go for the last month or so before the test. Also, I have a ton of trouble learning from the mistakes I make during the test and really internalizing how not to make those mistakes again in the future.

If anyone has any advice on any of these things, please reach out! I've reached out to a few tutors already and I'm hoping I can hit my goal of 170s eventually. I've been studying for this test for so long and I won't let it defeat me!

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