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Chris NguyenChris Nguyen Alum Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
in General 4593 karma

Who knew that I would open an email from LSAC and actually be happy?!

LSAC has approved the use of ear plugs for the August Flex!!! woohoo!

Here's the exact language from LSAC:

"We are pleased to announce that in response to requests from test takers, we are making a few changes to the items test takers are allowed to use during the online, remotely proctored LSAT-Flex.

We will now allow test takers to use a regular or mechanical pencil, or a pen, while taking the LSAT-Flex. You will still need to show your writing utensil(s) to the proctor during the check-in period.
In addition, test takers may use soft, non-electronic, non-corded/banded, generic foam ear plugs, which will need to be shown to and approved by your LSAT-Flex proctor."


  • avoro002avoro002 Alum Member
    336 karma

    @Christopherr hey, awesome news! I'm actually more excited about the regular pen, haha. Lately, I was thinking I needed to switch to a pencil in order to practice the real conditions already, but every time I tried to use a pencil and just hated it. Thanks for the post, little changes like that matter and make the test somewhat easier.

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