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RC Help!

mariaknightsmariaknights Free Trial Member
edited August 2020 in Reading Comprehension 16 karma


I have been mastering the LR and LG sections but my main issue is with RC ! Can't manage to get less than 9-10 mistakes per section.

I need tips and help please !!!!


  • 105 karma

    Hi there,
    i was in a similar position as you but thankfully i have improved RC. One recommendation i can give you is that you could try contacting a tutor who specializes in RC. You can find plenty on 7sage but if would like my suggestion, i would turn you towards @Defender . He has helped me a lot with RC and has a really affordable hourly rate.

  • meganday2121meganday2121 Member
    edited August 2020 74 karma

    I've been drilling with these drills from Power Score, they help you see what works for you and what doesn't.

    I also recommend simply doing many difficult passages. The problem sets feature here lets you filter and sort for harder passages and topics, like science or law. You start to see patterns after awhile and get the hang of how these passages are set up. I still struggle on some RC passages, but you can improve on RC!

  • BullfroggerBullfrogger Member
    184 karma

    Try to focus on understanding what you're reading and not rushing. If you're missing that many each section you would be better off not even getting to the last passage and trying to get complete accuracy on the questions you attempt. When I first started doing RC I was missing a lot of questions because I was rushing through the passage and not understanding what I was reading. You gotta understand every sentence that you read, and if you don't understand one you gotta read it again.

  • bensasounianbensasounian Member
    94 karma

    Reading the Economist for the art and science passages has helped me a ton, if you get a subscription you can load up all the older magazines, it'll help you grow your subject knowledge so you can understand passages better

  • mariaknightsmariaknights Free Trial Member
    edited August 2020 16 karma

    Ok thank you everyone for your tips !! My biggest problem is with the question : "the author would most likely agree about which one of the following?" I feel like the answer choices are so detailed and I need to go back and find if each one is stated in the passage which is really a waste of time .. Any tips on that ?

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