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I feel like ive developed a solid grasp on the test. I have mastered LG so I consistently get -0 on it every PT -- my wrong answers typically come from LR and RC. BRing takes a really long time and so im wondering if my time is better spent just ditching the BR and doing targeted review after each PT? Any advice would be appreciated as im really torn up on what to do and i want to permanently jump out of the high 160s and into the 170s for the August exam. Thanks!
I think BR is extremely useful for LR particularly because it allows you to correct mistakes in your reasoning and remember/avoid those mistakes going forward. No LR question is going to be entirely unique, and if you have actively corrected a logical mistake you are much more likely to remember it when you encounter a similar question. Any standardized test is to an extent an exercise in recognizing patterns from previous tests. With RC, you may just need to learn to read & locate faster because all of the information can be directly supported in the passage. If you're consistently getting -0 on LG, it may be worth only BRing the LR questions (and doing some other type of RC review if you're in a time crunch).
Also just read your username lol, love that show and am watching it rn
Good luck on the LSAT~
If you're consistently going -0 on LG, I would skip them and just br LR and RC. I'm pretty confident at this point as well, so I just bookmark the questions I'm anything less than 100% certain about and BR those. If i get anything wrong that i didnt bookmark, then i also know i really have to look at that question in more detail to understand why I thought i was correct
I think there's more value in BRing when you get to that level. Because ultimately you need to address any flaws in your logic and do it on your own without being told your logic is flawed. BRing brought me to my first 180 yesterday.
@OP Any specific tips on getting to -0 on LG?
In regards to your question:
I would say that full BR is of little value at this point, whereas just skipping to a JY explanation video and watching the relevant parts of the video (map you might've gotten wrong, AC you contemplated/incorrectly chose, and correct AC) will serve you better. Just an opinion, as this method has helped me immensely and saved me loads of time.
Thanks so much!
Sounds like you are where I plateaued. Yes, it is useful to BR. That is how you are get that LR score up. @noonawoon says it well.