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What, if any, are the differences between the LSAT Flex platform and the 7sage prep test platform?

wheelysmizzwheelysmizz Member
in General 37 karma

For instance:
Will the LSAT Flex provide a timer?
Will we be able to bookmark questions, and hide ruled out answers?
Can we highlight text?


  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    Yes to all of these. There are minor differences (font choices?) but functionally everything works the same. I wouldn't worry about the format

  • abcdef123abcdef123 Member
    9 karma

    Are there different colors for highlighting too?

  • wheelysmizzwheelysmizz Member
    37 karma

    Wow, that's a relief. I had heard it was a little different, and my mind spiraled quickly into imagining a lack of any feature buildout whatsoever in the official ProctorU test experience.

  • sarahisksarahisk Member
    272 karma

    one of the differences that caught me off guard was that you can't move forward or backward in the questions using the arrow keys. I usually use that function on 7sage, so it became an ingrained habit to hit the forward key when I want to move on to the next question. I would hit the key like three times before remembering to move my cursor and click forward to the next q.

  • omw2_95th_percentileomw2_95th_percentile Core Member
    83 karma

    For me the functionality of 7sage highlighters is much better. Other than that no major differences.

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    @noonawoon said:
    Yes to all of these. There are minor differences (font choices?) but functionally everything works the same. I wouldn't worry about the format

    actually the font was a huge deal to me lol
    i think i kinda bombed my first flex because of the font lmao

  • wheelysmizzwheelysmizz Member
    37 karma

    @lexxx745 said:

    actually the font was a huge deal to me lol
    i think i kinda bombed my first flex because of the font lmao

    In what way was the font different? What font would you compare it to?

  • Heinz DoofenshmirtzHeinz Doofenshmirtz Member
    481 karma

    if you go to the LSAC website they let you see exactly what the format looks like, including the font and features

  • kelly_9876kelly_9876 Core Member
    144 karma

    I've heard feedback from (initial) flex test takers who warned others to avoid the highlight/underline tool as it was inaccurate and cost them valuable time. I'm wondering if the software has been updated since the original flex rolled out? Have any test takers experienced an improvement? Or should I stick with the advice of "don't even bother"?

  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    @kelly_9876 I didn't have any issues with the highlight tool and used it on RC for the June flex. However, if you can get used to RC passages without the highlight tool, definitely do that to save time and avoid mistakes (like accidentally highlighting the whole passage or whatever). I liked using the highlighter in PTs and on the real exam because marking the text helped me to stay engaged more than jotting down notes would. I don't think the tool on the software has issues, but I think people may not be used to highlighting and making mistakes

  • Jannyboy_16Jannyboy_16 Core Member
    66 karma

    For the Flex will we be able to see the line numbers on the side for the RC passages?

  • WouldRatherBeEatingWouldRatherBeEating Alum Member
    456 karma

    I believe that the actual LSAT flex highlights the portions of the passages that are referred to in the questions directly by line number for the RC, but I've noticed that the 7sage versions don't. This might be a nice little bonus on test day.

  • 150 karma

    Can you use Ctrl + F for the reading portions?

  • FindingSageFindingSage Alum Member
    2047 karma

    Spend some time on LSAC's Lawhub website, it is exactly the same as that expect that during the real test you can't pause the test or set custom times of course. Aside from getting used to the slight differences in the font and how the highlighter works ect there may be some bigger differences that you will discover spending time there. For example, the first time I did a section in lawhub I couldn't scroll. I have a MAC so using the floating scroll bar is sometimes an issue there. I finally resolved this by having a plugged in mouse, which I was able to use during the Flex test. But I would have been freaking out if that had happened to me on the real test! You can use control F during the Flex test, which again is command F on a Mac. Small differences that you don't want to discover on test day.

    Second, because I have taken the test before and didn't score well then it brought up some of the test day nerves. So even though I am primarily using 7 Sage for studying I periodically go do a section or an entire PT in Lawhub because I want to make sure that the next time I take the test it feels like just another practice test.

  • lobell79lobell79 Alum Member
    146 karma

    @ finding Sage - thank you for the piece wisdom about using both LawHub and 7Sage platforms, excellent tip for comfort and niggling details NOT to discover on test day!

  • Hans ZimmerHans Zimmer Member
    541 karma


    Damn, you really can't use the scroll pad on the FLEX?!

    I just checked on Lawhub and it seemed to be working for me: maybe they fixed it?

    I make frequent use of the scroll pad; it's an ingrained habit. If anyone can provide more info on this I'd appreciate it!

  • 32 karma

    I noticed on Lawhub that you cannot use the arrow keys to move to the next questions and that you have to click the 'next arrow' button. Is this everyone's experience as well? I want to make sure I practice manually clicking it instead of relying on the arrow buttons.

  • FindingSageFindingSage Alum Member
    2047 karma

    @lobell79, yes you truly don't want to discover that you have missed "details" or are questioning exactly how something works on test day. The first time I used Lawhub I couldn't scroll for more than 5 minutes. If that had happened on the actual test I would have been cancelling and what a waste of time and money that would be.
    @"Hans Zimmer" , I haven't used Lawhub for about a week but I have had the scrolling issue off and on. Sometimes refreshing the page works, sometimes not. My internet is fast and also my Mac is less than a year old. Though it ended up working on test day it was worth it to me to have a plug in mouse just in case.

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