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LSAT writing

LawLessOneLawLessOne Member
edited August 2020 in General 38 karma

So, I just did the LSAT writing. I used up all of the time just for review of what I wrote. I did not click submit or anything. However, it took me to another page that lets me see what I wrote with some extra information at the top that says I've submitted. But, no confirmation email yet. Am I slowly floating up poop creek or am I safe? I would like to think that the program is not that inept, but I would not be surprised because it is LSAC that we are all dealing with. Lots of horror stories.


  • legallyconfusedlegallyconfused Alum Member
    edited December 2020 350 karma


  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    If it says you submitted then you're fine. It takes a couple of days for the status of the writing assignment to change to "under review" in the LSAC system and then a few more days to get approved. You'll get an email when it is approved.

  • LawLessOneLawLessOne Member
    38 karma

    @noonawoon said:
    If it says you submitted then you're fine. It takes a couple of days for the status of the writing assignment to change to "under review" in the LSAC system and then a few more days to get approved. You'll get an email when it is approved.

    Cool. That is what i figured.
    Oh, the email is for when it's approved? I thought it was when it gets submitted. All right. I'll give it a few more business days and see what's up. Thanks.

  • LawLessOneLawLessOne Member
    edited August 2020 38 karma

    @legallyconfused said:
    Hey there, I wish I could answer your question, but I am planning on taking the LSAT Writing this Monday so I don't have much experience. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions though. I'm kind of nervous because I want to have the best application I can.

    1. Did you practice at all before you took it for real?
    2. What was the process like when you actually took the section?
    3. Do you follow a structure when you're writing? Or use certain phrases?
      Every time I practice I try to follow a structure and use certain phrases, but that has been difficult with some prompts.

    Any info would be amazing!

    If you consider me reading some stuff about the LSAT writing an hour before I took it practicing, then yes, I "practiced" haha. I think you're over thinking it. It is honestly pretty easy. However, please take my words with a grain of salt. I have 2 published essays, so writing and creating an argument is very easy for me within the given time frame.

    Structuring is also very easy. A google search on LSAT writing will tell you to simply pick a side, support it with the given evidence, make sure to also talk about the downside of your choice/the positive of the opposition and then prove that your side is still better. Done. This is only difficult if you are slow at coming up with an argument. What I did was I gave myself 10 minutes for planning and reading through the given prompt with all the info. Then 20 minutes to bust out the entire thing. I used the last 5 minutes to edit and see what I did not like or where I wanted to move certain parts of my passage to create better flow. Then done.

    The process is written on the LSAT writing. So, I had some issues with this because it wouldn't launch for me at first. But, I got it figured out. I would pre-download the PSI program. Then when you're ready to take the test, sign into LSAC and go to your LSAT writing and scroll to the bottom and click start/initiate or whatever. A small window will pop up and say are you sure you're ready, click start/yes. This will take you to another page where it will allow you to either download the PSI program or if you already had it downloaded, you can just press the other option where it will launch the program for you. From there, follow the instructions that will pop on screen. MAKE SURE TO RECORD YOUR PIECE OF PAPER(both sides), IF YOU ARE USING ONE, WHEN YOU DO YOUR ROOM SCAN. If you finish before the time is up and you dont need to use the rest, make sure you press the submit button. If you burn through all the time, then it will auto submit for you like it did for me.

  • legallyconfusedlegallyconfused Alum Member
    edited December 2020 350 karma


  • itllbealrightitllbealright Member
    16 karma

    When do we have until to submit the written portion?

  • LawLessOneLawLessOne Member
    38 karma

    @kimianozadi said:
    When do we have until to submit the written portion?

    I’m not too sure. I know it’s somewhere on Lsac site but I got it out of the way early so I don’t have to worry about it after the test. Much easier to take a breather

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