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When to PT?

in General 17 karma

This may have been answered before but I am confused as to whether or not I should still be PTing while doing the CC? or do I just do the curriculum up until they give me the PTs? I'm at roughly 20% into the CC


  • SSBM1000SSBM1000 Member
    614 karma

    I strongly recommend finishing the CC before preptesting. You need an understanding of the fundamentals, and you'll be wasting valuable preptests if you take them without a basic understanding of how to tackle the questions properly.

  • WouldRatherBeEatingWouldRatherBeEating Alum Member
    456 karma

    I'd wait to PT until after. I'd do all of the CC and then take a PT to see where you're at. Then I'd consider trying to drill the sections separately, especially if your timing is off or you notice one section isn't as strong as the others.

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