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November LSAT advice on studying

allisonlainez01allisonlainez01 Free Trial Member
in General 44 karma

Hi everyone ! I’m planning to take the LSAT in November , I only have 2 months & a few days to study which is nerve wrecking because I also started my semester to finish my BA by spring. My study plan is to take two PT’s a week , blind reviewing right after, the rest of the days I plan to time myself with specific sections & see where my strengths & weaknesses stand. However , I’m not sure if my study plan is good enough to hit my goal score by the time I take the test. If anyone has any tips or advice on what I should add to my study plan. I calculated that doing two PT’s a week until my test day is only about 20 PT’s & perhaps that’s not enough. Thank you!!


  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    Have you finished the core curriculum? I would say two PTs a week is okay, but I wouldn't recommend doing any more as BRing the PTs should take some time (if you're doing it properly). Good luck!!

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