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megan321megan321 Member
edited August 2020 in Logical Reasoning 18 karma

I've done this problem twice on two separate occasions, and predicted the wrong assumption both times. When I read the stimulus, I see a gap between the speed of the animal and the info. we're given in the premises, which is the energy afforded by surface area and the energy needed to be overcome by the weight. Could someone please tell me why this isn't a relevant assumption?


  • jdseidler-1jdseidler-1 Member
    61 karma

    You’re right with the gap being between the energy afforded by the surface area and the energy needed to be overcome by the weight, which makes C the correct answer choice. We need the ratio of surface area to body weight to be smaller in large animals otherwise our argument would make no sense, large animals would be able to climb uphill faster than small animals. Which answer choice did you pick?

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