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Balancing classes with studying

sheridjwsheridjw Alum Member
in General 936 karma

Wondering if anyone has any helpful tips on how to balance a full course load in undergrad with studying. I began studying late February and made huge improvements over the summer while i could focus completely on the LSAT, but now with classes starting up again a lot more has been added to my days. I am hoping to test in November and want to keep improving these next two months before then. Thanks!


  • imacfarlane14imacfarlane14 Alum Member
    8 karma

    Following! I'm also struggling with balancing quality study time with classes, work, and other activities.

  • vbethunevbethune Core Member
    11 karma


  • goforbrokegoforbroke Alum Member
    edited September 2020 320 karma

    I am currently working while studying (or is it studying while working?). Anyway I was in Provence a few summers ago, and I wanted to visit both a particular city and a national park, all in the span of a day, which was logistically impossible. Instead of making a decision, I just whined about not being able to do both. Finally the French lady who was helping me said, "Mademoiselle, in life you have to make choices. You cannot have everything." So you have to think about your priorities, what you will focus on and what you can let slide for now.
    What I did was schedule 2 things:
    1) Uncompromisable study time. It might just be an hour or two, but that time is blocked off specifically for LSAT studying. I won't allow myself do anything else, and I turn down invitations that would eat into this time.
    2) Relaxing & socializing time. I set a full day aside (and an evening here and there) to be intentionally away from the LSAT. This is good strategy for not burning out, and I'm a big believer that you can process and cement what you learn (and make unique insights and connections) away from the actual studying. This is also good for general sanity, we're social beings, we need to be with people! Well as much as you can be during Covid.

    This is not to say that I'm really good at keeping a schedule and sticking with plans and goals. I am not good at all! But practice makes better, and sitting down to study just became a habit.

    FYI I ended up choosing the city -- Arles -- and having a great time.

  • ajattaraajattara Member
    5 karma

    I was just about to post something like this! My first day of my fourth and final year of undergrad started today and like you, my preparations over the summer went swimmingly. Now...I'm panicking and would love some answers from other people juggling school+work+LSAT.

  • michaeldimas6230-1michaeldimas6230-1 Core Member
    4 karma

    Hi, I finished my undergrad this past May 2019 and started studying for this godforsaken test just this past month. Not my best decision but here we are!

    What I would recommend might be kinda cheesy, but, honestly, just acknowledge your smarts! When I felt overwhelmed with what seemed would be a busy week or month, I would take a step back, tell myself what I KNOW I'm good at and sort of just put it to the side. Don't study too much for something you already have on lock ya know?

    Its hard to put into words but what i'm trying to get at is that you should give yourself credit where credit is due. And if there is a class, or subject matter, that you know 100%, then don't worry about it so much. Allocate attention to other pressing matters that will give you a hard time.

    Maybe this is unnecessary info, but I know there are people out there who might read this and are also those types of students who study for everything equally. Besides, its a good thing to have that self confidence especially with this LSAT stuff. Sometimes you have to be your own biggest fan!

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