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Hello everyone,
I have spent the past 10 days focusing mostly on RC. I am having a great deal of trouble with this section. JY's low-res summary has not helped me one bit. I am having great troubles understanding the passage before moving into the questions. I have started looking into possible tutors to help develop strategies that will help me. I had a call with a company called "Varsity Tutors" today, they gave me a quote of $1200 for 12 hours of 1 on 1 instruction time. The price seems absolutely ludicrous given the amount of supervision.
- Has anyone had a good experience working with Varsity Tutors?
- Is this price as outrageous as I think it is? Or am I just out of touch with industry standard?
- Has anyone hired a 7Sage tutor and can suggest them to me?

I'm feeling defeated at this point, and any help would be greatly appreciated

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