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Specific RC Tips?

I have been struggling with two different types of RC questions recently, InfAp and RecMP. Does anyone have any tips to help out with those specifically or RC in general? Thanks!


  • WouldRatherBeEatingWouldRatherBeEating Alum Member
    456 karma


  • tuckerootuckeroo Member
    34 karma

    I am by no means perfect, but RC is my strongest section. I think its because I come from a drama background and the way I read is influenced by how I read plays. With reading for structure being the given, my brain is always reading for: Objective (what does the writer WANT, do they address what is the OBSTACLE standing between the given/status quo and the objective, or the point?). Is the goal achieved or NOT achieved by the end of the passage? What ACTIONS (proof, stats, examples, opinions, etc) are being used to achieve the objective? I often think of the author of the passage as a character. The character always has motives. What are they? How are they achieved? Characters can lie to the audience and to themselves, are they lying? What are they leaving out? Why would they WANT to leave something out?
    Obviously I don't actually answer all of these questions, and obviously these aren't LSAT questions. But I think having a perspective on how YOU read is helpful. When any of the above questions are sort of answered, its like a lightbulb goes off in my head, and I underline or highlight that sentence or word. That leaves me with a roadmap of HOW I read the passage. Building a relationship with the passage helps me remember it better and I don't have to reference back as much. I hope this helps?!

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