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"rough" days?

dennistg44dennistg44 Core Member
in General 12 karma

Hello all,

I hope you are all doing well with studying for whatever month you decide on taking the LSAT. I have signed up for November and will most likely take January, and was wondering if at this point in your study cycles you seem to have "rougher" days than others? For the past few days my LR and RC sections have been very strong as I have averaged -1 to -5 which is pretty good for me. However, there seem to be some days that it really does not click, and I will do much (!!) worse than usual. I do not know if this is maybe me burning out or simply having a bad day, but wanted to see if others were in the same boat approx 2 months out from game day. Thank you and good luck studying!!


  • Chris NguyenChris Nguyen Alum Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    4593 karma

    You are on the verge of burnout. It is necessary to take breaks every now and then, your brain needs to rest to become better!

    Go do something you enjoy for a day or two to rejuvenate and then hit the sections again after!

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