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LSAT Addendum

My top choice for law school is Boston College as it is the only school in Massachusetts that offers a dual JD/MSW program. My undergraduate GPA is above their 75th percentile but I am currently PTing under their 25th percentile LSAT. I was wondering about if I should write an LSAT addendum. Should I write one only if I score below their 25th percentile or below their median? And what would be considered good reasons for why my LSAT doesn't reflect how I will preform in law school? Like I said my undergrad GPA was a 3.83 in a philosophy major that required a lot of difficult reading and writing. I've been studying since the beginning of the summer but timing is a big issue (which I am getting accommodations for due to disability). I didn't take a lot of tests in college which I think is also why it's hard for me. Plus the whole studying during a pandemic when I am out of work and anxiety is high. Any thoughts??

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