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A Rally Cry

Hans ZimmerHans Zimmer Member
in General 541 karma

So you didn't score how you wanted to on the August Flex, and you're feeling discouraged?

That's alright.

I want to share a little quote-perhaps a corny one, but a meaningful one no less- from the Rocky movie: "It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward."

Maybe your score delt you a blow, but that's not going to define you. What's much more important, is how you respond to that blow, how you proceed from here.

So dig deep and remember why you set out on this difficult path. Why you dared to dream to be a god damn attorney. Remember what you've been through already and let that fuel you, let it push you forward.

Let's get back up, and let's crush the ever living shit out of this test, and let's manifest those dreams.


  • emmorensemmorens Core Member
    1470 karma

    this was fucking empowering, im about to go crush some RC now. THANK YOU

  • BigJay20BigJay20 Live Member
    465 karma

    Lawd I needed to see this

  • mrmurphy815mrmurphy815 Member
    91 karma

    Thank you, I really needed this. I will also add: RBG and John Lewis and so many others did not give their whole lives and their whole selves to creating a more just world for us to doubt ourselves and give up.

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