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I am not learning from my PT, what can i do

TGS w TJTGS w TJ Core Member
in General 20 karma

I am not learning from my PTs and my scores are consistently 150s. I do LR, BR them, watch the explanations, and fail to learn from them. Still running out of time for LG, and RC is just miserable, losing stamina at the 3rd passage and and fail to remember the details, constantly need to reread them. It all seems so simple when I watch the explanations, but how am I not learning from them. I think maybe that just my intelligence ceiling.


  • ColdBrew180ColdBrew180 Member
    156 karma

    What month are you taking the LSAT?

    In my opinion, forget about RC and LR for now and focus solely on Logic Games. You are likely running out of time for LG because you either aren't diagramming correctly or aren't making inferences quick enough. However, If you focus on this section, you can definitely start to see some improvement quickly.

    Take time to read the rules and double check you've written them down correctly. Try to "solve for all possible worlds" before you answer the questions. Make sure you understand rule translations, contrapositives and how to chain them for In/Out games.

    If you haven't done all the recent PrepTests, pick one in the 60s-80s and do a set of just the logic games (4 games). First, do it UNTIMED. This will allow your brain to think and do inferences without the stress of the clock ticking.

    Then, do blind review. Go through every single question and do the games over again if you have to.

    Then, look at your score. How did you do? Watch the explanation video for each game and RE-DO the games, one at a time 5-10 times.

    After a few rounds of this your brain will start to make inferences more quickly. You can repeat these steps over and over for different problem sets.

    Focus on getting -2 to -0 in Logic Games, so you can then focus on the LR and RC which, for me, is a lot harder to learn and has to be more intuitive.

  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    How are you doing your BR? Are you only going to the questions you flagged? I highly recommend reviewing every question slowly instead of just the ones you flagged, that helps attack erroneous assumptions you may be making

    If you are in between two answer choices, write out an explanation of why you picked one over the other during BR. Point out the erroneous assumptions you think one answer choice made. I know this sounds tedious but it really helps to do this for all LR questions in the beginning, and you will see an improvement. When you get better at LR you will be able to tell which questions you know instantly and which questions you should write out an explanation for. So the BR will get a lot faster in the future if you spend more time upfront now

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