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Help Improving LR and RC Score

I wanted to know if anyone had any tips for improving LR and RC scores? I am currently getting -9 to -11 for LR, and around the same for RC. I also am finding that I will sometimes miss easy ones on LR, but when I review, I don't understand why I missed it in the first place. And for RC, I feel like I understand the passage, but I get tripped up during the questions. #help


  • NMcclarkNMcclark Member
    4 karma

    I am having the same problem. On LG I was able to improve to only -1/-2 but LR and RC I am consistently missing -9/-10. I am looking forward to the responses and I feel your struggle.

  • fruitjamfruitjam Member
    70 karma

    This might sound weird, but I'd suggest revisiting the core curriculum. It worked wonders for me when I could not improve LR after a multitude of PTs. When you go through CC the first time, you miss some important points due to the abundance of information thrown at you. When I went over CC (especially the first few lessons), my points improved a lot :).

  • zc199907zc199907 Member
    22 karma

    I had the same problem. These two articles have helped me figure our how to improve my score:

    I personally think Powerscore LR Bible is really helpful, so I would recommend you to read through it after (or before) you finish the 7sage core curriculum.

  • armalcolarmalcol Member
    12 karma

    It really helped me when I went through each type of LR problem and drilled practice sets from the easiest to the hardest. I would analyze what I got correct and incorrect as well as why some took me longer. It took a long time to do the drills for all the types, but it has cut in half how many I'm missing. With RC, I smile while I take it and tell myself it's the most interesting thing I've ever read. Hope this helps!

  • chestnutchestnut Alum Member
    31 karma

    Following on this because I'm in the same boat as you!

    Do you guys think do more LR practice questions will be helpful? Thank you ahead!

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