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Hazelwood Act and Texas Law

Hey guys,

I am applying to Texas public schools this cycle and I was curious if anyone has any experience on here using the Hazelwood Act. My understanding is that its a state law that grants veterans from Texas a tuition exemption for public school graduate programs. I have talked briefly with admissions people at UT and they confirmed my understanding of the program, and so, being a veteran, I was hoping I could go to law school for free (if I can get admitted, of course). Even though they confirmed how I think the program works, I wanted to post here and see if there were any vets who had gone this route, and if they actually got a complete tuition exemption for their 3 years of law school. To be honest, I can't help but harbor some doubt since the whole program seems too good to be true.


  • birdlawyer, fellow aspiring lawyer here. Active USMC 0-3 transitioning out next month, but I worked in the Texas leg for a bit on veterans issues prior to active duty.

    It can be used for grad programs. While it seems too good to be true, it isn't. Obviously check out the residency requirements but yeah, great program.

  • birdlawyerbirdlawyer Member
    53 karma

    That's great to hear. The residency requirements on the state website stipulate that only veterans whose home of record is Texas can take advantage of the tuition exemption. Do you know of any other limiting criteria by chance? Again, thanks for the info.

  • No problem. I can't recall any other limitations.

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