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I was taking PT 81 RC and...

bellahyeon14bellahyeon14 Member
in General 258 karma

PT 81 RC from the very first section completely threw me off, to the point where I just didn't want to move onto the other sections
I stopped at the last passage because of the not-so-good feeling about the entire rc section.
I know that if I don't continue the pt, it won't be reflective of the actual test condition, but at the same time, I just feel like I'm going to be devastated if I finish the pt and see the result..
Should I just keep drilling other rc passages before I return to PT 81 rc at some point, at other time?


  • oagui023oagui023 Member
    159 karma

    Hey there,

    Trust me, I know that feeling exactly too well. Worst part is when you encounter a bad section on a PT, it just throws your confidence for a spin for the entire section and then soon enough you'll be thinking you forgot everything you ever learned. Best advice I can give is that any terrible section you may have had during a PT may be offset by a good performance on the other sections so that's really all you can focus on. During the August test, the games section felt so bad that my entire test after that section I just blanked. So just hang in there and take it one day at a time. If you'd ever like to go some RC passages then message me and if you have Zoom or something we can do that. I'm in no way, shape or form good at RC but it can't hurt to review with someone.

    Best of luck!!

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