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Cambridge packets Alum Member
in General 463 karma
Hello again. Me and my drilling questions. I'm preparing for an October retake, but may postpone until December. I have been working through the Ultimate course and I am moving along quite nicely. I'm about 25% through the ultimate course. I'm reviewing PowerScore and The Trainer as needed, which is sparingly. I'm considering purchasing the Manhattan LR guide but we'll see. Anyway, at the current rate I'm expecting to finish the course around mid-May but I am hoping for end of April. My question involves the Cambridge packets. I have the LR bundle organized by question type and the RC packets and the LG bundle through the Ultimate course. I feel like this is a stupid question. Should I be working on the packets as I work through the course or should I wait until the PT stage when I have a firmer handle on my problem areas? Should I do them during both PT and Course stages? I'm working on the practice sets for question types throughout the curriculum but I'm not sure if and how much I should be adding. I'm also concerned with my memory. I have a tendency to remember answer choices for some questions and then the good reason I am getting the correct answer is lost. I'm not reviewing heavily right now for the reason if I have to revisit it later I won't remember the correct answer. PT 73 Section 2 Question 8 I remember the answer but have no memory of what type of question it is, why the answer is right, or the topic but I remember the multiple choice answer. That was my first time I took the LSAT and time ran out as I arrived at the right answer, did not have time to change it. I remember answers of other questions that I have reviewed thoroughly. I would hate to work through an entire question set now and still have issues at the PT stage, need to review question types but remember the answer but not remember why the correct answer is right. I feel like doing them now may waste precious practice questions. On the other hand, I also have PTs to work through that will help get my skill set in the right place. I'm a little lost on how and when to incorporate the Cambridge packets into my studies. Thanks for any advice you can give.


  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited April 2015 3438 karma
    Well I for one never used them as I had the ultimate package just like you have and the problem sets from there were plenty for me... I went by the mentality that at the end of the day they would likely be the same questions as there are only a finite number of LSAT questions in existence and both the ultimate 7sage pack and Cambridge use them. The 7sage drill packs come from PTs below 36 as well so I was pretty much getting the same material... that said... if you wanted to use them, I'd use them in practice on tough areas where you need to improve after you've gone through the 7sage lessons and exhausted the drill packs associated with the lesson. If you find weaknesses of a particular kind after the test, then I'd use them there as well.
  • VegMeg55VegMeg55 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    587 karma
    First, get the fundamentals. Go over the material and drill until you have a more firm understanding of it. You have the Ultimate course which is already set up for that purpose. If you're still uncertain on anything? Watch the videos again. All of them if necessary. Remembering the right answer choice is not exactly detrimental but re-doing the problems and re-watching the videos is ABSOLUTELY vital to learning the reasoning behind why an answer choice is correct and why the 4 others are incorrect. Only when you can do this blind-folded (not really, but you know what I mean) and you have a reallyyy strong grasp on the fundamentals should you start drilling beyond the Ultimate quiz sets. I'd recommend focusing more on 7Sage and the Trainer, PowerScore isn't anywhere near the quality, and then supplement with the Cambridge packs as practice only after you've nailed the fundamentals behind each question type. You can do the Cambridge packs at different times. Maybe finish the whole course and then do them for your weaker areas or better yet for all areas. Or you can nail the fundamentals of, for example, Flaw Questions, and then jump to the Cambridge packs. It really depends on personal preference.

    Most importantly, if you do remember the correct answer choice, you need to sit there and explain to yourself exactly why it's correct and why the other answer choices are incorrect. It may seem tedious but it will definitely help you.

    The Ultimate Course and Trainer will set you up pretty darn well, but you really need to make sure to review and review and review the material before you jump into drilling. Drilling without total comprehension is a waste of precious time and fresh questions. And be sure you're looking at old PTs for drilling questions. Save 36+ PTs for timed simulations.

    Good luck!
  • VegMeg55VegMeg55 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    587 karma
    @"Nilesh S" I have to say, I was pretty proud when I posted my comment two minutes faster than you... oh 7Sage Discussion Yoda.
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited April 2015 3438 karma
    lol :D @VegMeg55 good going ;) !!!
  • NYC12345NYC12345 Alum Inactive Sage
    1654 karma
    I would recommend the Cambridge Drilling Packets because they have a lot more questions than the 7sage Ultimate Course provides. It is a lot easier to see repetitive patterns in LR answers after you've seen over a hundred questions in a row, as opposed to only doing 20-40. Just my two cents.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    I would recommend drilling the packets as you go along with the course. Since it helps reinforce what you're learning. You don't have to do them all within the week. You can probably do 10 questions and save the rest since the ultimate course has a lot of problem sets as well. Then when you begin taking PTs and you are struggling with a specific question type I would recommend that you pull out those packets again and drill away :)
  • Alum Member
    463 karma
    Thanks everyone. I think a lot of it depends on the question type and personal preferences. Some of them I am able to get with the 7Sage sets and some take more reinforcement. I have reviewed PowerScore I think for one question type maybe two just for a different perspective and viewing it with new eyes. I use it very sparingly, plus all the practice questions in there will also be on either 7Sage or Cambridge or both. And due to past experience, I am wary of PowerScore.

    I feel like I have an idea where my problem areas are so I'm really trying to get through the course to get to the PT and drilling stage. I'm not cramming by any means but I want to get it done. I feel like a lot more improvement with happen in that stage.

    Once again, keep moving forward that's all I can do. :-)
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