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Apply now or wait for late Nov?

Hello 7sage community!

There have been quite a few threads similar to this one published in the last three years, so I apologize for any redundancy. My situation is complicated... or maybe it's not. Idk. You decide. But do read on if you have time.

I got a 162 (lower than my most recent PTs) on my October LSAT and plan to retake in two weeks. I'm trying to decide whether it would be better to apply now, or to wait until I get my next score in late November, which will ideally be 165 or better. I'm hoping to get into a top 25 school, my GPA is a 3.5 at a heavily grade-deflated school and I have a year of work experience at a top 5 bank, although I've been unemployed for most of this year due to an untimely injury and the pandemic.

Please let me know your thoughts.

*a brief note on grade deflation if anyone cares: looking at stats specific to my school, alumni get into the same grad programs as the avg student w/ a GPA that is +0.2 to +0.3 points higher


  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    edited October 2020 2054 karma

    I think if you're just talking November you're much better waiting. You could do the "please hold my app until the next LSAT thing" which some schools allow. I would say though that since with those numbers you're likely below both medians you should wait. Your school having stricter grades is nice but doesn't help their ranking stats. For future rankings purposes you could have graduated from MIT or the Dunderhead Academy of Nonsense and it wouldn't matter. It will likely only come into play if you're on the border against a similar candidate. Unfortunately you're not bringing up either median much if at all in the top 25. You're better off waiting and getting even a couple of points higher on the LSAT. Do look into whether any of your target school's will do the hold application until next LSAT though, it could help.


  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    UNC and Iowa at 27 would be your best bets around 25ish now. Maybe 24 Florida as well. You're still not at both medians though.

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