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150 -> 170!! Thanks 7Sage!!

em2020em2020 Member
in General 66 karma

This course has been so helpful and I'm excited that I got the score I wanted!! Good luck fellow 7sagers


  • Law and YodaLaw and Yoda Alum Member
    4312 karma

    Congrats! 🎉🎊

  • brolex123brolex123 Alum Member
    23 karma

    congrats!! would you mind sharing the timeframe it took you to get there and your study process?

  • em2020em2020 Member
    66 karma

    @brolex123 said:
    congrats!! would you mind sharing the timeframe it took you to get there and your study process?

    I actually started doing the core curriculum last summer when I thought I would apply for Fall 2020 admissions but decided to take a gap year. Finished the core curriculum this past June. I would say overall it took me a few months to do the CC but I wasn't rushing. I took the August and October LSATs. Before the August LSAT, I took a PT everyday at the same time (9 am) and reviewed what I got wrong for about 6 weeks before the test. Before the October test I did the same thing but only did it for 4 weeks. Honestly I think I studied a little too much. Felt kinda burned out at the end. But it just made sense to me to take a test everyday at the same time so when the actual LSAT came it felt like every other day.

    What's super important tho is consistent sleep! Can't stress that enough

  • learn2skipQslearn2skipQs Member
    730 karma

    congrats thanks 4 sharing

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma


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