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Should I send a corrected résumé?

pickles312pickles312 Free Trial Member
edited November 2020 in Law School Admissions 5 karma

I uploaded the Word doc version of my résumé to an application, and it seems to have caused a formatting error. The year portion of a date that was aligned to the right has been pushed onto it's own line to the left. It doesn't show up like this when I open it in Word. In my opinion it's pretty noticeable since it causes a two things to be out of place, though I somehow missed it when I previewed the application. I'm nervous because this is a top school where I'm a borderline case, and I feel any little thing could make a difference.

Should I upload a correct PDF version to their status checker and email them about it? I'm conflicted because I don't want to appear careless by leaving it, but I don't want to draw too much attention to it or seem obsessive either. Any advice would be appreciated.

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