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All gameboards?

sagarpatelsagarpatel Alum Member
in General 164 karma
How do I know if I should solve for all game boards? Is there a way to distinguish the best approach when time is limited?


  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    With time this approach will become easier for you. For now practice, practice and try to solve for all game boards when you drill/BR.
  • deleted accountdeleted account Free Trial Member
    393 karma
    I normally do it if it is clear that a small clue will provide a lot of information. For example, if there is a clue that can easily be split into a small number of defined boards (2-4) AND each of those boards will have enough info to make 1 or 2 semi-major inferences, them I will split.

    I also will split on questions that generate 1-3 boards and if questions give me a new idea of what the game is like.
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