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Flaw and Necessary Assumption Questions

I cannot for the life of me improve on these types of questions. I keep getting all of them wrong on LR sections and they hurt my score badly.

Does anyone have any tips on how to improve? PLEASE? The only time I get a Flaw question right is when it's an analogy. I feel like I have trouble identifying the different types.



  • HelloMotoHelloMoto Member
    400 karma


    For flaw questions I would say what helped me get to pretty much like 98% accuracy is exposure. First I studied the list of common flaws but the more questions I did, the more familiar I got to the different flaws the LSAT uses. Flaw questions I feel is one kind of question type where there are times where I would read the stimulus and know 100% what the flaw is because I had seen the same kind of stimulus before.

    For NA questions, I was on the same boat as you since I had to idea how to get better. What helped me was just practicing identifying what ACs HAD to be true. I would eliminate answer choices that were too specific (because most of the time I would ask myself why would this specific thing HAVE to be true for this argument to work?) I also learned to be more attracted to broad/soft sounding answer choices because the negation of them would for example turn a "some" scenario into a "none" scenario which would then kill the support for the argument if that AC was true. I also carried the mindset that the AC we are looking for is a MBT since it HAS to be true for the argument to work.

    In the end it just took time and repetition for me to get better!

  • H.al1997H.al1997 Member
    318 karma

    Thanks so much @HelloMoto :) I will try these tips out!

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