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Logic Games is death

Ashley2018-1Ashley2018-1 Alum Member
in Logic Games 2249 karma

When I go back to the older games, I just completely blank out on them and need to watch video explanations to even have a shot but I feel by memorizing the game, it somehow takes away from the learning process? What am I supposed to do when I am stuck on a game?


  • christopherhareaschristopherhareas Core Member
    edited December 2020 11 karma

    My recommendation would be to start writing. Whenever I get stuck, half of the battle is telling myself to stop getting in my head and start trying out scenarios. Even if that means playing out every possibility for a question. Doing something is better than nothing, and it often jumpstarts my thinking and gets me back into the logic game mentally. Bottom line: put pencil to paper and start writing things out. Hope this helps.

  • ___AZ______AZ___ Member
    87 karma

    I used to be at the same point, but worth to ask, did you already complete the CC portion of the games? It was a huge game charger for me and I am doing way better now and able to understand exactly what is needed to be done.

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