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156 aiming for 160 on January flex!

emmorensemmorens Core Member
edited December 2020 in January 2021 LSAT 1470 karma

Hey all!

I just scored a 156 and BR'd a 164 on PT 82 (the Flex version) this may not seem like the best score to a lot of people but my first diagnostic last year was a 142 - so to me, this means the world because it means progress!

I am still very anxious as my goal is a 160 for the January Flex test, so I would like to be scoring between a 161-163 (or higher lol) for going into January. My weakness lies in RC, I've come a long way but just can't seem to find any consistency in it.

Wondering if anyone knows anything about this RC section (is it an easier one or is it average?) Also wondering what study tips were most effective for you in RC. I've been doing as many passages as I can, blind reviewing, and going through the answers in JY's videos. I've found this to be really helpful but as always I'm open to suggestions! I also scored -10 on this LR section which I think is unusual for me.

Yay to progress and staying positive!

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