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Resubmitting Personal Statements Question...

SRV_LawyerSRV_Lawyer Alum Member
edited January 2021 in Law School Admissions 75 karma

Hey 7sagers,

I will be reapplying to law school this year. I like my previous personal statement, however, there are some changes I will be making.

Admissions counselors recommend not submitting the same exact personal statement twice and I will not be doing that, but i am wondering how much one is expected to change their personal statement when reapplying? Also, any recommendations of editing services?

Thank you!


  • I have also heard by a dean to change your PS statement if reapplying at least twice. I would completely change the story you shared so that they are learning something completely new about you considering they may have access to your previous personal statement depending on how long ago you applied

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    I'm also a reapplicant and completely redid my essays with the help of a consultant.

    RE:editing services

    I'm using 7sage, and they're great. Most of the writers seem to be Iowa Writers' Workshop grads, which to my understanding is like the Yale of MFAs. I could not be happier with the writer I am paired with. I recommend their editing services very highly.

    I've never spoken with them, but I've seen several stellar reviews for u/sharperstatements on reddit.

    Also, my impression of Powerscore and Spivey, after speaking with their consultants, reviewing essays they consulted on, and attending webinars, is that they are also both very good.

  • SRV_LawyerSRV_Lawyer Alum Member
    75 karma

    @"caren.oliver2020" Thank you for your insight! Good point that they will review my old application and i might as well use this opportunity to tell them even more about myself!

  • SRV_LawyerSRV_Lawyer Alum Member
    75 karma

    @canihazJD Thanks for your response! Approximately how long does 7sage editing route take? Also, rough idea on how much it can cost? Never knew we have editing services on here too! thank you!

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @SRV_Lawyer said:
    @canihazJD Thanks for your response! Approximately how long does 7sage editing route take? Also, rough idea on how much it can cost? Never knew we have editing services on here too! thank you!

    how long depends on you, and where you are in the process and if what you have so far ends up being viable. The consultants are very responsive. I usually get edits back the same or next day, allowing for weekends, time differences, etc.

    Pricing here: I can't see it because I'm already enrolled but I believe the single essay unlimited edits was like $699.

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