PT8.S4.Q18 - Deer population

isdmyungisdmyung Member
edited January 2021 in Logical Reasoning 121 karma

I think the correct AC is drawing a super fine stretch. Please explain to me why this AC is correct. Critics have charged that the hormone is a health risk to people and thereby ingest unsafe quantities of it. Then the biologist rebuttals with the fact that people could eat the injected amount every day and not be affected and that no one eats a whole deer in a day anyways. This led me to believe E was the right AC. If this was a weakening question, I could see how AC A is correct. In a NA question is it possible to view the correct AC as a weakening sort as well? Am I looking at this incorrectly?


  • nnnnnnzzzznnnnnnzzzz Member
    edited January 2021 177 karma

    I was worried that since it was the old PT the question might have not fully constructed, but this is an NA question and it is pretty clear. Viewing NA question as Weakening question is bad because they each require a different approach. For NA you need to take the stimulus as true and for Weakening you can bring in outside information.

    Most arguments are not perfect and usually have gaps in their reasoning. Bridging the gap is the main goal of necessary assumption question type.

    Back to the question, it basically states that deer got 10 mg hormone and people can get up to 10 mg hormone a day without any negative effects. So, people will be safe because no one will eat the entire deer.

    The biggest gap here is that biologist assumed that deer may not have extra of that hormone in their body, or their body won't product more of that hormone after getting injected. The right AC just bridged this gap.

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