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Improving LG Speed

forthewinwinforthewinwin Member
in Logic Games 117 karma

I've done all the LG Problem Sets of the Curriculum, as well as all the problems before PT36. My problem is on the actual LSAT, I was too slow, causing me to guess questions (and get them wrong).

Going forward, what's the best approach to improve speed on LG? Should I:
- Re-do all the LG problem sets/questions, and if so, the same questions before PT36, or also the new ones PT36 and beyond?


  • 246 karma

    @forthewinwin this is a great question. Speed is something we all struggle with and can also be an indicator to where we need to improve. What I mean by that is we all have those games where we do really well and get all the answers right, but how confident did you feel while doing the game? Were some of your deductions slow? Did the game seem tough? How well were you able to do your set-up. I am sure you will find that throughout all of the games, you'll find common denominators, i.e. areas you were just slow to figure out. Maybe its games where conditional logic is heavy. Maybe it's something in grouping games. Just be meticulous about finding these common themes and then do the fool-proof method for each of these games. Give yourself a few days between attempts, but I think you will know when a game just didn't click and then find out what aspect of the game you struggled with and then focus on improving in that area.The test is "standardized" meaning, its learnable and it repeats itself. Best of luck!

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