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Starting with last questions first during LR sections

Anyone have thoughts on if it would be more beneficial to start with the last questions of LR and then go the first when taking practice tests since the last ones are harder than the first?


  • T RaymondT Raymond Member
    17 karma

    I can't remember where in the coursework this is, but JY specifically suggests doing easy questions first. because each question is worth the same number of points, there is no more value in getting the curve breaker questions right than there is in getting easy ones right. the goal is to answer the highest number of questions correctly that you can. The best strategy to accomplish this is to do the easy ones first, skip questions that take a long time and come back to them IF you have enough time.

    hope this helps!

  • cullenleacullenlea Core Member
    22 karma

    Not a good idea IMO. You will waste so much time on these questions. I try and get the first 10 questions done quickly and confidently. There are usually a few tough ones in there, but to be done with the first 10 and have all that time is to your advantage. Also, the LSAT is a mind game of sorts and can really be affected by your confidence. If you glide through the first 10, you have a bunch of time and are less likely to second guess yourself. You can then devote those precious extra seconds to the tougher questions that appear later on.

  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    i wouldnt recommend this. you'd waste a lot of time and therefore have less time to answer the low hanging fruit questions. i say its a waste of time because you're less likely to get the harder questions right anyway. if you don't have enough time to answer the 1 or 2 or 3 star questions, you've essentially shot yourself in the foot

  • mariposamariposa Member
    14 karma

    The advice I have read:

    Always do questions 1 - 12 first, then 20 - 25/26, then do 13 - 19 (they usually put the hardest ones in there).
    Also, skip the conform to principle questions, those waste so much time and are meant to lower the curve. If you run out of time, guess B on those. (last 5, D)

    You want to maximize your score, you'd accomplish this by answering the most amount of questions as possible!

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