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Help with MSS Questions

lsat2021-2lsat2021-2 Alum Member

Wanted to get some opinions on how you all approach MSS questions. I feel like I am getting these wrong often because I am struggling to piece together all the information in such a short period of time (especially on the science ones/things I am not familiar with). How do you all approach these questions to ensure quick reading comprehension? Do you always draw a diagram? Also, any general tips on quick elimination would be helpful.


  • elliaddaganelliaddagan Member
    144 karma

    Hi Sydney. For MSS questions it is important to stay narrow in your scope. Like inference questions, they must be directly stated in the stimulus. Message me if you are looking for more tips and approaches to questions.

  • fieldcross255fieldcross255 Member
    36 karma

    I got some advice where the guys said make them prove to you why it is right. Go into the answer set as if all of them are wrong. That mindset really helped me with MSS questions. Not so much the others, but definitely with MSS

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